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”“Was the water high?”“It had topped the bridge; when we were there, two days later, Lake Kununurra was high, but the roadway was not wet.”“That sounds good. How dry is the lake-that-was?”“I do not know.”“Can we walk where it was?”“I think so. Let us ask Boobook.”“I see no barrier,” he said. “You must take care there will be snakes and maybe crocs. The fish remaining with be rotten. I do not know about parentie.”“You are a wise owl,” said Sam.“I sleep with open eyes.”The next day, Sam, Tessa, Jos and Andy drove to Lake Argyle. About halfway between Yardungarl and Lake Argyle Village, Andy directed Sam onto a disused track and then due south over some rough ground.“Carl Bay was there,” he said.“Can we drive further?”“Yes. But if we start making deep tracks, stop right away.”“Right.”“Did you get the rain numbers?” Jos asked.“Yep,” he pulled a piece of paper from his pocket. “Mos’ rain in January, February, March an’ December, in that order. Then November. April an’ October ‘bout 2. "That's why we all do this, sis."In a few minutes, I tell her to watch because I'm getting close. Then, as is so predictable with guys, I shoot my cum out in stringy spurts."Oh, wow, that's cool. It really goes. No wonder Becca was excited to watch. Whew. It makes me all hot and tingly just watching." Well, maybe you want to go have a little private time like Becca did, you know, to take care of any needs that may have come up." Ha, ha, I think I will. I need something after that." Okay, have fun and think of me."The next afternoon, I was in my room and Alyssa knocked on the open door and stuck her head in."Hi, Brian, what's up?" Not much, anything new from your friend, Rebecca? New adventures with her brother?" Not that she said. It was fun watching you yesterday. Gonna do it today?" Wanna watch again?" Well, maybe, if you don't mind." If you like to watch, Lyssa, I'm happy to oblige. Wanna get the lotion?" Can I put it on again?" Sure," I said as I pulled off my shorts and briefs,.
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